Books Revisited

Books Revisited (table of contents) exhibition catalog
Books Revisited (table of contents) exhibition catalog
Books Revisited (inner spread) exhibition catalog

Publisher: Center for Book Arts

Edition: 200

Year: 2022

Binding: Perfect Bound Softcover

Dimensions: 7 x 10 inches

Pages: 74

ISBN: 978-1-951163-10-5


  • Softcover book
  • translucent book jacket
  • translucent leaves inserted throughout

Books Revisited, presents artworks, artists’ books, and bookworks across time and media that play with and challenge how narrative, historical truths, and knowledge occupy space within and beyond the material and conceptual boundaries of books. The eleven artists and collectives in the exhibition use existing books as raw material—whether that be an address book, an art historical catalog, the Bible, an encyclopedia, a geometry manual, a novel, or a reader—as the site for the reinterpretation of texts and images, the open-ended possibilities of authorship, and the inscriptions of new subjectivities. Books Revisited posits that while books have historical resonances rooted in the specifics of time and place, they eventually circulate, temporally and geographically, cross-pollinating to create new understandings of history and one’s place in it.

Includes work by: Broomberg & Chanarin, Yto Barrada, Sophie Calle, Tarrah Krajnak, John Latham, Jill Magid, Tim Rollins and K.O.S., Collier Schorr, Clarissa Sligh, Tavares Strachan, and Francesca Woodman.

Foreword by: Corina Reynolds

Designed by: Iván Martínez.



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