Hourly Studio Rental

CBA 15 hour punch card
CBA 15 hour punch card
CBA 6 hour punch card
CBA 6 hour punch card
A group of people at work in the CBA bindery.
A view of the letterpress studio at CBA. A long row of windows on the left, in front of which are five Vandercook presses.
Vandercook Presses in the CBA printshop. Photo: Elizabeth Castaldo
A view of the CBA bindery with two tables visible, Zoe is working at the left table and Linda is working at the table on the right.
Zoe Katz and Linda Zeb Hang working in the CBA bindery. photo: Elizabeth Castaldo
A view of the CBA printshop with Caslon working on the Number 4 in the foreground and Oswaldo working on the Uni 1 in the background.
Oswaldo Garcia and Caslon Yoon printing in the CBA printshop.

Purchase hours in increments of 1, 6 or 15 hours. 6 and 15 hour purchases include a discount on the $15 per hour regular hourly cost and renters will receive a punch card. Punch card hours must be used within one year of purchase date.

Hourly renters may use the studio from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Friday and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday. The Center is closed to the public on Sundays. For more info about studio rental check out the studio page.

After purchasing this item online, please pick up your punch card at the front desk.

All CBA studio users must first take the Studio Rental Training Course, which you can enroll in on the workshop page. 

All CBA studio users must be members of Center for Book Arts. You can become a member or renew your membership here.

$15.00 – $180.00


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