Seeing The Stars When The Sun Is Shining: Fall 2022 Broadside Reading Series II

Imogen Xtian Smith’s broadside by Eddie Perrote

Event Info

The Fall 2022 Broadside Reading Series: Seeing the Stars when the Sun is Shining is curated by Emily Brandt. Six artists paired with six poets engage the unconscious mind consciously. In this series, artists and writers cull dreams, memories, emotion, and ritual–looking with increasing clarity at that which is normally too close, too far, too agitated, or hidden by something stronger. In these six broadsides, words and images illuminate that which was previously hidden. Artists and poets have created a collection of limited edition letterpress-printed, risograph printed and digital print broadsides. Each collaboration explores the relationship of text, image, and design, incorporating the artists’ visual conveyance of writers’ poetry and prose. To celebrate these collaborative broadsides, CBA will host two in-person readings by the authors accompanied by the artists they worked with.


imogen xtian smith is a poet & performer living in Lenapehoking / Brooklyn, NY. Their work has appeared in Baest, B L U S H, Folder, The Rumpus, The Poetry Project Newsletter, & Tagvverk (among others), as well as in We Want It All: An Anthology of Radical Trans Poetics. A 2021-22 Emerge Surface Be Fellow at The Poetry Project, imogen’s debut collection, stemmy things, is out from Nightboat Books.

Safia Jama was born to a Somali father and an Irish American mother in Queens, New York. A Cave Canem graduate fellow, she has published poetry in Ploughshares, Boston Review, World Literature Today, Spoken Black Girl, and Poem-a-Day. Her poetry has also been featured on WNYC’s Morning Edition and CUNY TV’s Shades of US series. Jama was a semifinalist in the Pleiades Press Editors Prize for Poetry and she is the author of Notes on Resilience, included in the New-Generation African Poets chapbook box set (Akashic Books 2020).

Christine Shan Shan Hou Christine Shan Shan Hou is a poet and artist of Hakka Chinese descent. Their publications include The Joy and Terror are Both in the Swallowing (After Hours Editions 2021) Community Garden for Lonely Girls (Gramma Poetry 2017), and “I’m Sunlight” (The Song Cave 2016).


Eddie Perrote is an illustrator and designer currently living and working in Brooklyn, New York.

Leslie Lasiter is an artist and zinemaker based in Brooklyn, New York. She publishes on an EZ590 in her bedroom.

Faride Mereb is a Venezuelan artist, award-winning book designer, teacher, researcher, and founder of publishing house Ediciones Letra Muerta. She currently lives in NYC with her husband, where she teaches and designs. Mereb is a visiting scholar at Columbia University exploring North and South Americas’ hybridity through its printing and book history. She has exhibited at CBA and is currently co-curating a show in Washington Project for the Arts.


Emily Brandt (she/they, b.1980) is the author of the poetry collection Falsehood, as well as three chapbooks. She’s a co-founding editor of No, Dear, curator of the LINEAGE reading series at Wendy’s Subway, and member of the video art collective Temp.Files. She’s of Sicilian, Polish & Ukrainian descent, and lives in Brooklyn.

About the Broadside Reading Series

CBA’s Broadside Readings Series program is a unique opportunity for poets and artists to collaborate. Every spring and fall season, CBA invites a poet to curate a new series of readings. CBA then commissions artists to collaborate with the participating poets to design and print for each of them a limited-edition broadside featuring their work. The broadsides are made available for sale to the public in-person and online in CBA’s bookshop.


This program was organized by Center for Book Arts and Emily Brandt and made possible in part with funding provided by Poets & Writers through public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, in partnership with the City Council, and the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature.








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