Failed High Fives

powder blue book cover with the silhouette of a failed high five
Failed High Fives (2020) Grimyser
Open white book over white background. On the left page there is a black hand trying to reach another hand on on the right page.
Failed High Five (2020), Jennifer Grimyser
Open white book over white background. On the left page there is a black hand trying to reach another hand on on the right page.
Failed High Five (2020), Jennifer Grimyser
Open white book over white background. On the left page there is a black hand trying to reach an open black hand on the right page.
Failed High Five (2020), Jennifer Grimyser.

Publisher: Hold Here Books

Edition: 31

Year: 2020

Binding: Soft cover, saddle stitched

Dimensions: 7.5' x 5.5'

Pages: 10

Hand made artist book.

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