The Works of Edition Balance: Contemporary Book Arts from the New Germany

Publisher: Center for Book Arts

Year: 1994

Binding: Soft cover, saddle stitched

Dimensions: 5.5 x 8.5 inches

Pages: 24

The books in this exhibition reveal the difficulties many people are experiencing during this period of transition, particularly from the point of view of East Germans. Much of the literature contained here recounts small, personal injustices that feed a growing disillusionment with the promise of West German society. Westerners are sometimes perceived as self-interested and insensitive, often putting money-making above real unification. edition balance makes these sentiments tangible so that ideas can be exchanged and a path made toward fair solutions to these social problems. Recognizing the opportunities at hand, edition balance’s books express possibilities for a new society.

This first American exhibition of books by edition balance offers viewers a change to see works which portray life in East Germany during socialist times, as well as during this crucial period of change, and bears witness to the power of the book as a means to communicating human experience.

Includes an introduction by Executive Director Brian Hannon, an essay by Henry Günther and Marrion Günther-Bonsack, a checklist of 6 books and 6 broadsides, and an essay by Reinhard Grüner.



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