The Flag Book: A Travel Quest

Event Info

Course Code: 24FPE105V

This virtual workshop takes place on Zoom on Wednesday, November 13th, 2024 from 1:00 to 3:00 pm.

  • Wednesday, November 13, 1:00 – 3:00pm

Please Note: Registration for this workshop closes on November 6th, at 11:59 pm.

About the Workshop:

This virtual workshop is taught by CBA instructor Maria G. Pisano.

Originally created by Hedi Kyle, the flag book is a very exciting form, where the layered pages criss-cross each other when opening and closing, making the book a living, moving, interactive entity. The flags’ wonderful movement allow for multiple images and content.

Each student will design a 3 dimensional book by suing diverse collage, photos, etc. to create their own designs for the pages and the covers. In this workshop we will be using maps, ticket stubs, ephemera, etc. from places you have visited, experienced or dreamt about them in your imagination. Thoughtful discussion of how to best incorporate this self-generated content with the structure of the book will also occur. If you like books and like to travel, this workshop is perfect for you!

Fun Fact: This structure can be enjoyed in a linear fashion, page by page, or it can reveal the entire story at one time; this experience is different almost every time the book is opened.


Required Materials:

  • Tools
    • Cutting mat
    • Exacto or small snap blade knife
    • Bone folder or popsicle sticks
    • Glue stick or double sided tape
    • Colored pencils (optional)
    • Stamp pads (optional)
    • Sponges (optional)


  • Materials (cut and ready to go!)
    • Various images and ephemera of different sizes
    • Cover weight/card stock paper of different sizes and colors 
    • Collage material 
    • Scrap paper


More detailed materials lists will be provided in the email sent upon registration.

About Maria G Pisano

Maria G. Pisano (she/her) is a book artist, printmaker, curator and educator. Memory Press works are represented in The Library of Congress, 9-11 Memorial Museum, National Library of Medicine, Columbia University, NY Public Library and many more. Currently her book Caudex Folium is in the exhibit “Towers Rising, at the 9-11 Memorial Museum in NYC, and in 2022 her work was in “And Yet We Rise: A Retrospect of the Days and Times Surrounding 9/11″ at the American Consulate in London. She has curated a number exhibits including Book as Witness: The Artist’s Response at CBA in NYC and Crossroads: Book Artists’ Impassioned Responses to Immigration, Human Rights and Our Environment, at the Hunterdon Museum of Art, NJ. Ms. Pisano contributes to book arts publications and has presented lectures at the Library of Congress, College Book Arts Association and the Art Libraries Society of North America. Her article “Mark To Impress” was published in California Society of Printmakers and The Blue Notebook in the UK. She continuously gives workshops nationally and internationally, at her studio, libraries and institutions such as Bridwell Library, TX, CBBAG and Center for Book Arts in NYC.

All images courtesy of the instructor.

In order to best serve our community near and far, many of our online classes are pay-what-you-can. The amount you choose to pay goes directly toward our instructors and toward creating scholarship opportunities for the future. This class will be recorded and the recording will be viewable for up to 30 days after the class.

30 Remaining

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