This day in history . . .

the 1995 annual Artist Members Exhibition

An exhibition of 48 Artist Members, whose works examine the book’s authority as an accurate historical document of human events. Works are both traditional and alternative book formats and utilize both conventional and unusual materials or methods of construction.

Brian Hannon, former Executive Director, said of the exhibition: “A number of the books in this exhibition recognize the delight in defining oneself through the experiences of others, though many of these book artists also use the format to express contemporary concerns regarding the elusive nature of an objective truth, inter-generational relationship, and the evolving sense of self that we all experience. Many of us see the book as an apt vehicle for communicating personal milestones and intimate transformations. These works reveal a distinct ambivalence towards traditional notions of history, and propose instead a greater reliance upon the intuitive knowledge gleaned from daily life.

An expanded concept of the book as an object has also become part of this perceptual reconfiguration. Since books have been the basis of many our assumptions about the past, all of the associations linked to this cultural artifact have been easily appropriated to new ends. Some of these artists’ books playfully mock the authority of history books by reinventing the sequence or outcome of events. Others unflinchingly point to prior inaccuracies and injustices that our history has perpetuated. Because books are often our only connection to the past, artists are discovering that they can liberate us form inherited misconceptions and, in doing so, offer us a more genuine paradigm for living in the here and now.

Support for the Center for Book Arts’ visual arts programming is provided, in part, by the New York State Council on the Arts, with the support of Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature, and by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council.

Exhibition Checklist:

Biruta  Auna

(1995) accordion album with white kid leather cover

Andres  Böröcz

Bread Head Fables
(1994) Edition of 3 (+ 1 Artist’s Proof)

Lipton: the gallows book

J. Catherine  Bebout

Spirit Vessel #3
(1995) Edition #1

G. R.  Boggs

Matriarch’s Photo Album
(1995) Artist’s Proof

Miriam  Cassell

War and Peace
(1995) Unique

Antonella  Celada

Slaughter of the Innocent, The
(1994) one-of-a-kind

Ted  Clausen

Day in the Life
(1993) Edition #1

Norman B.  Colp

In Antiquity the Inscribed Names of Deposed Kings Were Destroyed and Thus They Were Forgotten; [Not a Bad Idea.]
(1990) Edition #2

Katherine A.  Cresci

Book of Extinction

Paul  Dean

A Gulf

Melissa  Ehrenreich

Broken Dishes and Pet Flies
(1995) Signed Edition of 25 (+ 1 Artist Proof)

Evelyn  Eller

Messages in Stone

Carol  Fastuca

I Will Follow Him

Rose  Frain

Royne Descosse

Ruth  Ginsberg-Place

Gypsy Moth
(1994) Edition #2

Adriane  Herman

Burnt Toast

This is the Book [I Made] About the House That Jack Built

Bettina  Hubby


Kee  Koo

Time Travel

Kumi  Korf

Breaking Down Cancer

Neila  Kun


John  Laudenslager

Millennium Scrapbook, The

Marc  Lepson

Travel Diary

Mary Ellen  Long

Voyages, Dreams, and Amerigo Vespucci

Rosemary K.  Lyons

Genetic Revolution, The

Jim  Machacek

Secret Discoveries of the Apollo Space Missions

Emily  McVarish

These Buildings Are Falling
(1995) Edition #1

Claudia Rezende  Minerbo

Disk Codex
(1995) Edition #1

Richard  Minsky

Minsky in Bed
(1988) Edition Color Master

Linda  Muriello

Ballad of Annie Taylor

Susan  Newmark

Anxiety Journal

Amie  Oliver

Autumn Journal
(1994) Edition #1

Jo Anna  Poehlmann

History Buffs
(1995) Edition #1

Lise  Poirier

Archetype and the Collective Unconscious

Ecoutes-Plus Rien-Seul de Silence

Claire Jeanine  Satin

Classical Book Trackings

William Bernard  Schade

Nero’s Frogs

Miriam  Schaer

Fly Away Home

Robbin Ami  Silverberg

Bread Head Fables
(1994) Edition of 3 (+ 1 Artist’s Proof)

Lipton: the gallows book

Alice  Simpson

Marc Ballroom, The

Tanja  Softic

Of All God’s World an Empty Field

Pamela  Spitzmueller

Offwhite Book, The

Ursula  Sternberg

Important Events in My Life

Harriet  Tannin

History of Art, The, by H.W. Janson With Harriet Tannin
(1986) Signed, photo-copied, open edition $700

Robert  The

Bible Gun-King James Version

History of the U.S. Vol. 10

Larry  Thomas

Remembering the Long Ago Days of Yore Before There Was TV and There Was No Violence in the Land

Dana  Velan


Marie  Weaver


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