Lyall Harris

Image of a woman with medium length hair and a mock turtle neck, she is standing in front of foliage which is blurred in the background, smiling warmly to the camrea
Book with a large eye across one page, and a snail shell on the other.
Book with a large image of a pair of nostrils


Lyall Harris’ artwork has been widely exhibited in solo and juried group shows and recognized with numerous awards, including The George Hitchcock Prize for painting from the National Academy Museum. Her book art is held in over fifty Special Collection libraries, such as those at the National Museum of Women in the Arts, Yale and Stanford. Her poetry and prose have appeared in The Minnesota Review, The New Guard, The Dewdrop, High Shelf Press and elsewhere; her book-length poem Barrier Island is forthcoming from The Black Spring Press Group. Harris has given papers and artist talks at universities and institutions such as UCSC, UCSB, Art Institute of California, The Grabhorn Institute and the Virginia Center for the Book. She holds an MFA in Book Art and Creative Writing from Mills College.

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