Stephanie Brody-Lederman

Picture of artist Stephanie Brody-Lederman
Sculptural artists' book
Artists' book with cherry blossom branch
Artists' book with cherry blossom branch
sculptural artists' book
the napkin holder


I am a painter and book artist. I make art and bookworks about seemingly simple subjects: birds,trees, flowers, and utilize text in my work. The text is often my poetry(which I write ) or overheard snippets of conversation. The work has a strong psychological grounding, although purposefully appearing to be “simple tales.”

I have shown my bookworks at Franklin Furnace, NYC, The Cooper Hewitt Museum,NYC, Bookworks, London, England, Mattatuck Museum, CT.,Guild Hall Museum, East Hampton, Musee Bourdelle, Paris France, Brommer Gallery, Boston and many other venues


  • Altered Books
  • Artist Books
  • Book Design
  • Drawing
  • Offset Printing
  • Poetry
  • Publishing
  • Sculptural Books
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